Field-to-Fork: School visits with a difference

Want to get your pupils excited about food and healthy eating? 

With a recent study showing that 1 in 5 adults will be obese by 2025, it is crucial that we develop a greater understanding of real, healthy food in our younger generations.

We offer Farm Visits to The Community Farm that not only allow children to see first hand how their food is grown but that give them the chance to harvest crops for themselves to prepare a healthy, seasonal snack! The Farm Visits support all aspects of KS1 and KS2 Cooking and Nutrition curriculum subject content.

“By inviting children to experience the whole journey of food, from seed-to-harvest-to-plate, we believe that we can re-connect children with the beauty of food and work towards encouraging healthier eating habits.” Claire Rosling, Founder of Earthwise

The Community Farm is a community owned organic farm and veg-box scheme over-looking the glorious Chew Valley Lake, 10 miles south of Bristol. Children get the chance to explore this working farm, how we grow in harmony with the natural environment and enjoy our yurt learning space.